Re-Envision What You
(and Your Business) Can Become

Design that Exciting New Direction you KNOW is Waiting for You and Your Business.

The Growth Retreat

4-6 November 2024 | The Sheraton Grand Mirage in Port Douglas

Apply for the Growth Retreat Today


The growth, the profit, the people you want to reach, the lifestyle you want to create…

It all starts with you.

Because to grow your business and achieve any of your business goals, you have to first grow — your vision, your resilience, your confidence.

Seeing the results you want out in the world, starts with looking inward. 

Because we can have all the tactics, hacks and strategies… 

But, if you’re not…

  • Clear on your vision and where you’re heading…
  • Feeling disconnected and unwilling to be visible to your ideal clients, collaborators, peers and prospects…
  • Stuck spinning your wheels and not moving forward financially…

It can take some getting new support to really give yourself the time and space — to invest in yourself, to really see yourself — and what you want.

But it can be hard to feel confident about your future when everything you need to do is keeping you busy and is due yesterday.

The Growth Retreat is a time to reflect and allow possibilities to open up for you as a business owner, a leader, and an individual.

And to know with clarity where you have the potential to go.

The Retreat will push, inspire, and challenge you to take a realistic look at yourself and your business. You’ll come away with an expanded vision of what is possible.

Growth Retreat
2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat


Get Clear

Create the Vision

Get Seen Become More Visible

Create a business and life you love.

What do you really want?
Is it a clear path?
More income?
A more manageable workload?

To feel inspired by what you do every day?

In our reflection-focused workshops, we’ll help you look inwards - so that you understand exactly how to align your business with the life goals that make you say “YES, I want THAT!”.  

Get clear on the big-picture plan for your business, and can leave with a crystal-clear map of what direction you’ll head next.

Get Seen

Become More Visible

Get Seen

Increase your visibility by owning more space and doing it YOUR way. 

To reach more people, to get new clients, to open up doors of opportunity, you need to be seen.

Being more visible can be a real ‘stop’ for a lot of women

Because it can feel vulnerable. To be seen, you need first to see yourself — to connect to what you truly want, and how YOU want your life to look.

At the Growth Retreat, you’ll discover the strategies and tactics to get more visibility on your terms (no doing anything that goes against your grain).

Get Momentum

Move Forward

Get Momentum

Find the inspired energy source that will fuel your growth into the future. 

The Growth Retreat isn’t just a springboard to succeeding in your business – it’s what will keep you going years down the line. 

We’ll take a look at what is the true motivation behind achieving your goals. 

Be inspired and inspire the incredible women around you – and take the break you need so you can put that energy back into your business when you get home.

And leave with your own Momentum Map™ that keeps you moving ahead.

Come Join Us at the Growth Retreat

To Get Clear...
on how you can self-actualise your potential and your business vision. 

To Become More Visible...
and how you and your business can Get Seen by your potential clients and those you want to support. 

To Get Momentum...
come back to your business with re-invigorated energy, an aligned sense of self, and a next-level strategy to cement your business growth. 

The HerBusiness Growth Retreat

4 November – 6 November, 2024

Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas



Experience in-depth live training, roundtable discussions, workshops, keynote speaker presentations…

And uncover the powerhouse that is YOU. 

You’ll tap into your inner resilience, your inner strength, your inner creativity…

To discover just what your business can become.

2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat

Learn from the experts who have been there, done that…

Get the opportunity to pick the brains of the Growth Retreat mentors and gain personalised, expert insights on your business. 

2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat

Get the clarity and focus you’ve been craving…

This retreat is all-inclusive, so your needs are completely covered. No responsibilities. No distractions. Just 3 days to go all-in on your business. 

2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat

Access an unmatched experience...

Recharge and relax and set your business up for the next 12 months. Dive into tailored workshops, keynote presentations, hot seats, and think tanks with like-minded women in business. 

The HerBusiness Growth Retreat

4 November – 6 November, 2024

Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas


For what it could be. For who you could be.

You wanted to grow something truly impactful. To build a business bigger than yourself, reaching the people who need it. 

But somewhere along the way…

The day-to-day tasks started getting in the way.

The roadblocks and challenges started building up. The stress and reality of running a business came crashing down. 

You’ve set your vision on the back burner. 

It’s time to pause. It’s time to re-envision that goal. And it’s time to put it at the forefront of your business once again. 

Because if you don’t take the time to get clarity and focus … it makes it so hard to grow.

This is an opportunity to take time out to focus on your business development, away from all the operational responsibilities.

The Growth Retreat is a three-day Business Retreat for you to Break Through Plateaus, Get Unstuck, and Re-Envision Your Business's future. 

The Growth Retreat is a Game-Changer for Vision and Clarity.

Members have experienced the transformation of HerBusiness Retreats for themselves…

"What I thought was “unachievable” is now totally within my reach!"

I was seeking clarity for my business and an understanding of what I want my role to be moving forward.

Now I have a plan. I have a vision, and I have the process that can take what I thought was just impossible and make it possible… and all within a timeframe as well!

Yvonne Shepherd, Women's Fitness Adventures

"I won’t lie – investing in a retreat can feel extravagant, especially when business feels tough."

But here’s what I learned: Investing in myself and my business when it felt the hardest was exactly what I needed to break through.

I came home a different person.

Belinda Weaver, Copywrite Matters

Belinda Weaver
Fiona Keary

"I knew I needed to think about things differently!"

I knew that I needed a change. I knew that I needed to do something different and to think about things differently. 

I was looking for a transformation. 

The most important part has been having space, pause, and not being distracted by all that happens in my day-to-day life.

Fiona Keary, Style Liberation

"I wanted to put myself first."

And this was the first time in all of my life that I thought… ‘I’m spending money on myself, and this is just for me.’  

The business is such a big part of me, and being at the retreat helped me make sure that it’s still serving me and what I want.”

Chantel Gilbert, Bluegum Electrical & Solar

Now it's your turn...

You ARE ready to take the next step for yourself and your business.

The Growth Retreat Speakers and Mentors

Our amazing speakers will share all the behind-the-scenes tactics for how to unleash the growth potential in your business

… so that you know what your vision is, what exactly it is that you're going to offer, how you're going to value and position yourself, and how you're going to be seen by more of your ideal clients

And then bring it all together so you step into momentum, knowing what actions will keep you moving forward with purpose and clarity.

Your Inspiring Speakers Include...

Claire Zammit

Claire Zammit

The Institute for Woman-Centred Coaching, Training, and Leadership

Amanda Farmer

Amanda Farmer

Your Strata Property

Michelle Falzon

Michelle Falzon

Marketing Strategist and Co-Host of the Marketing Success Mastermind

Fiona Keary

Fiona Keary

Style Liberation

Suzi Dafnis

Suzi Dafnis

Host and CEO, HerBusiness

Plus, we’re bringing together a hand-selected group of Think Tank Experts. You get access to hot tips and insider secrets from business experts who are working every day helping women to grow successful six and seven-figure businesses. 

They normally charge 100s of dollars per hour for their services and advice, so this is such a great gift for you as a Member.

Think Tank Expert
Think Tank Expert
Think Tank Expert
Think Tank Expert
Think Tank Expert

We’ll announce their details soon!

The HerBusiness Growth Retreat

4 November – 6 November, 2024

Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas


HerBusiness Growth Retreat


The HerBusiness Growth Retreat is a 3-day business retreat to be inspired and come away with an expanded vision of what is possible for both your businesses and yourself.


4-6 November 2024


The 5-star Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas


Pretty much everything! 

  • Four nights of luxury twin-share accommodation
  • Meals and refreshments
  • Arrival cocktail party
  • All tuition from business experts
  • Special ‘surprise’ experiences
  • Workshop materials
  • And more

(All you need to take care of is your flight and transfers to and from the venue.) 


Enjoy a balance of:

  • Group Training and Mentoring with our Mentors
  • Roundtable Discussions and Hot Seats
  • Practical Workshop Where New Possibilities Open Up
  • Marketing and Messaging sessions
  • Strategic Networking to Create Authentic and Supportive Business Relationships
  • Time Out to Connect with Your Goals and Dreams 
  • An Unmatched Experience of Access to Like-Minded Women
HerBusiness Growth Retreat


2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat

Get a New Surge of Energy for Your Business

After the Growth Retreat, you’ll go home refreshed and excited to implement changes in your business.

After our sessions, speakers, and discussions, you’ll be brimming with ideas to bring back home and implement into your business

2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat

Feel Support and Encouragement (that DOESN’T fade!)

Experience a new level of connection and support from other members and mentors that goes BEYOND the screen. As the leader of your business, it’s natural to feel isolated, especially when friends and family don’t have entrepreneurial experience. During the Growth Retreat, you’ll find the support network you’ve been looking for.

2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat

Find Clarity, Focus, and a PLAN 

Take the opportunity to have a big-picture, hands-off look at how your business is running.

You’ll return with a deep understanding of what works and how to change what doesn’t.

The retreat will provide a structured environment to develop a plan for your path forward.

2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat

Rediscover the Inspiration that Made You Start Your Business

Reconnect with the motivations that urged you to begin this journey. You’ll have a renewed understanding of the steps you’ve taken to get to the place you’re at now – and what the path looks like ahead of you. Find that excitement and passion again, and apply it to your business's new direction.

2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat

Gain Unparalleled Access to Mentors and Experts Within the Network (in person!)

Meet and network with incredible leaders in your industry, network with peers, and return with connections and opportunities for partnership. You’ll be able to pick the brains of our retreat Mentors and business growth experts and get personalised insights for YOUR business. 

2024 HerBusiness Growth Retreat

Set Yourself Up for a New Outlook on Your Business and Future

At the end of the Growth Retreat, you’ll leave with a renewed outlook on your business, your motivations, and the future you envision for yourself. If you’re ready to step into a new level of your business, you’ll come back with the motivation to make moves AND strategies to make those goals happen.


Janine Barr

"I was able to just turn that volume down and, for once, just put me first."

The retreat has been about asking myself to be more and to look more deeply into who I could be… and what’s important to me. That’s one of the things I’ve really loved about the journey of being here. 

My life is so consumed by all of the people and all of the things that I’m needed for in my day-to-day life. Here I’ve been able to just turn that volume down and for once, just put me first. 

I’d already got all my value by the second day because I could see that just in a short amount of time to pause and reflect and envision, I’d had so many insights. And the rest of the program has just been an amazing bonus. 

The one word that I would use to sum up the retreat is glorious. It’s been a glorious, wild ride with wonderful women and it’s been a joy to be a part of.” 

Janine Barr
Genratec, New Zealand

Dianne Irving

"I now have a powerful vision and know all the steps to get that vision."

I came to the HerBusiness Retreat really hoping to gain clarity and a vision for my Book Publishing business. 

And I got far more than that. 

With the support of the other powerful women in the room and the mentors, I was able to completely broaden my whole picture of what’s possible. I got incredible clarity and it was wonderful to not only create a powerful vision, but to also know all the steps in between to get that vision. 

Coming to the retreat gave me the ability to really step out of day-to-day life, and there were so many powerful things that came out of that.

One is just to actually relax. I think we are so busy, busy, busy, and stepping away from everyday life in these beautiful surroundings has given me more clarity and enables me the time and space to go deeper with some of the areas that I really wanted to work on.

Dianne Irving 
Little Tulip Books, Adelaide

The HerBusiness Growth Retreat IS for YOU if you tick one or more of these boxes:

  • You know the direction you want to move towards but need to switch off from all the day-to-day noise to focus on scaling, consistent growth, and breaking your profit plateaus.
  • You're ready to take the next step in your business but need clarity on what that truly looks like and how to get there.
  • You want to reach a new level of success in your business but lack a structured plan (or have one that isn’t working) to achieve the numbers you need.
  • You're ready to let profit fund the freedom to live your life how you want, do what you love daily, and recharge and set your business up for the next 12 months.
  • You seek an opportunity to focus on your business development away from all the operational responsibilities. You've wanted to attend a HerBusiness Retreat but haven't been able to attend our international events.
  • You're committed to growing your business, analysing areas for growth, and showing up for yourself while networking with like-minded businesswomen who are focused, driven, and supportive.
  • You want to come away with a clear action plan, inspired and confident that you will achieve your goals, and an expanded vision of what is possible for both your business and yourself.

If so, I’d love to invite you to apply for the Growth Retreat this November!

The Growth Retreat might NOT be for you if…

  • You just recently started down your entrepreneurial journey. We recommend those coming to the Growth Retreat have at least 2 years of business experience under their belt — or a hunger for growth. 
  • You’re not yet focused on taking the next step in your business and need more time to absorb the core HerBusiness Network content.
  • You are happy and content with where you are now in your business (woohoo!).

If any of these is the case and you’re looking for other resources that might fit your needs better, just email us here.


30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Simply attend the retreat, and if you're not completely satisfied, let us know within 30 days and we will arrange a 100% no-questions-asked refund.


The Growth Retreat is your opportunity to super-charge your business growth and get access to industry experts in person. 

  • Experience a distraction (and obligation!)-free environment to put your business growth at the forefront of your mind. 
  • Sit across from industry experts and get personalised insight on your business challenges. 
  • Network and connect with other women business owners just like you who have dealt with the same challenges you’re experiencing now. 
  • Go all-in on yourself and your business. No sidetracking chores. No errand to run. No people to manage. Just you and the reason you started this business. 


Learn from the business experts who have ‘been there, done that’...

You’re here. You’ve made it.

You are already running a successful business dedicated to serving your clients and bettering the world.

Now, it’s time to take the next step.

During the retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to sit down with experts who have the experience and the expertise needed to give you priceless insights. 

The Growth Retreat roundtables and hot seat sessions will let you pick the brains of industry professionals, learn from their mistakes, and ask questions related to your specific business challenges.

Take the time to focus on your business without distraction.

The planning is done for you. 

All you have to do is show up with a mindset for innovation, re-centring with your vision for your business, and be ready to learn. 

Our team has meticulously planned out the daily sessions, keynote speakers, in-depth workshops, planning sessions, and exercises so you can get the most out of your 3 days.

Take a step away from the day-to-day.

While staying close to home.

You’ll leave the day-to-day problems at home.

Your usual obligations, distractions, and responsibilities do not exist for the time you are here. All you need to concentrate on is you and your business.

And, you get to step away from the hustle-and-bustle into a truly STUNNING location. 

The Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort is directly on Four Mile Beach next to the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest. 

Get inspired by businesswomen just like you.

Network and brainstorm with other members in person. 

Enjoy this incredible space and dive head-first into our power-packed sessions with other members alongside you. 

Every single person attending is going to be as laser-focused and excited about building a new path for their business as you are. 

It’s the perfect opportunity to have an ultra-supportive sounding board, free-flowing brainstorming sessions, and build natural networks (and friendships!).


Your Tuition for the 3-Day Growth Retreat includes…

Sheraton Port Douglas Guest Rooms

4 Nights Luxury Accommodation Twin Share

(Value: $1,000)

Sheraton Port Douglas Food

Meals and Refreshments

(Value: $1,000)

Sheraton Port Douglas Solitude

Surprise Activities & Special Gifts

(Value: $500)

Suzi Dafnis

3 x Full Day Personalised & Interactive Intimate Group Training Sessions with World-Class Business Experts

(Value: $9,000)

That's over $11,500 in value… for a fraction of the price.


No payment is required at the time of application. All prices are in Australian dollars.

Applications for the 2024 Growth Retreat are Now Open!


We’ve got As to Your Qs!

When and Where is the Growth Retreat?

The HerBusiness Growth Retreat runs from 4 - 6 November 2024. Our venue is the beautiful five-star Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas.

What do you actually GET at the Growth Retreat?

Your tuition for the 3-Day Growth Retreat includes over $11,500 in value:

  • 3 x Full-Day Personalised & Interactive Intimate Group Training Sessions with World-Class Business Experts - $9,000 value
  • 4 Nights Luxury Accommodation Twin Share (Check-in 3 November. Check out 7 November.) - $1,000 value
  • Meals & Refreshments - $1,000 value
  • Surprise Fun Activities & Special Gifts - $500 value

What size business is this for (and is my business too big / too small)?

The Growth Retreat is for businesses of all sizes. The unifying factor is that we all want to grow and take our businesses to the next level, whatever that means for you.

Ideally, you have been in business for over 2 years, but you can still apply if you have at least 2 years of business experience.

I'm worried I may be unable to make enough of a contribution / won't fit in. How can I know this is right for me?

Fear could be underlying if you have an inner critic telling you that maybe you’re not ready. Fear can take hold of us when we try to reach higher - to go from one level to a higher level in our lives and business.   

That's why we'll be taking a deep look at the mindsets that hold us back. Because that thinking can really keep us stuck.

The Growth Retreat is right for you if...

  • You have some big goals for your business, and you know you need some help now to reach those goals. 
  • You have reached a "stuck" place in your business and are ready to find "a new way to do things" to get better results.
  • You have a growing business, and that growth is creating complexities you know you need help dealing with.
  • You might have started your business with a partner or spouse, and somewhere along the way, you felt you got lost, and you're ready to find a renewed way to "show up" and make a difference to where it's going and how you get there!

We know YOU can make amazing contributions. And we know YOU can have the business (and life!) you love.

What is the Agenda?

During the 3-day Growth Retreat, you will experience a mix of classroom group learning, hot seats, round table discussions, plus dedicated time for implementation and strategic thinking. 

What is the Group Size?

We are keeping our numbers small and intimate, so you know you’ll get a lot of special care and attention during our time together.

How Do I Apply? 

As you can tell from what we’ve planned, this is a really special experience.        

And you know that making all this happen — including your accommodation, meals, and special outings — takes a lot to put together…

If you know the value of taking some time out to recharge in body, mind, and spirit completely… and what that can mean for your life and your business… then you’ll also know how valuable this precious time will be for you.

My advice to you (even if you’re just thinking about it) is to apply now. Because there are limited spots, it will fill fast.

Once your application has been reviewed, I will be in touch with the next steps to confirm if the program is right for you.

I so hope you will join us!



Money Breakthrough Workshop