2019 REACH Retreat

Applications for the REACH Retreat are Now Closed

Email us here to be notified of the next retreat.

Get More Clarity and Focus. Design that Exciting New Direction you KNOW is Waiting for You and Your Business.

This is EXACTLY what you need right now. Time and space to dream, envision, plan, reset and REACH into a bigger, more fulfilling, more aligned and authentic future that’s filled with all the possibilities of your heart’s desire (like, really, you CAN have what you want and we wanna help you find what that is!).

These women have all experienced the magic of The REACH Retreat

What I thought was "unachievable" is now totally within my reach!

I really wanted clarity for my business and to know where my role fit going forward.

Now I have a plan. I have a vision and I have the process that can take what I thought was just impossible, and make it possible... and all within a timeframe as well!

Yvonne Shepherd Women’s Fitness Adventures

I’m really excited to have a clearer vision of my business!

I needed to look at my business from the outside rather than being in it all the time!

The REACH Retreat has enabled me to see my business in a way I’ve never seen it before. I have a new excitement for my business.

Julie Hammond Anatomy Trains Australia & NZ

It’s so important to take time away from your business…

I was at a crossroads and really needed some direction.

The REACH framework gave me a vision and a path forward and helped me really understand what I wanted my life to look like.

Tracey Bode Zyteq

REACH has been transformational for me!

I’d been static for a while without goals.

Without the REACH process I would never have been able to conceptualise the plan and dream that I have for my business now.

Jacqui Brauman TBA Law

REACH gave us a chance to take a breath and really look at where we go from here…

Amazing women who you very quickly form very close and intimate relationships with.

I signed up for the REACH Retreat on the recommendation of a previous REACHer who had a fantastic experience. This was the first thing I'd done for myself in a long while. I had a sense. My intuition told me that I had to go, and it wasn't wrong.

There are so many benefits. Not only in the teachers and the learnings but also in the other amazing women with whom you very quickly form close and intimate relationships. You now sense that they will be lifelong friendships with these people you didn't even know beforehand.

REACH offered us an opportunity to take a breath, take a moment out of the business and look at where we go from here and what we are doing.

If you're thinking of coming to REACH Retreat, just do it..

Michelle French,

I knew I needed to think about things differently!

I saw the changes in the women who went last year; I wanted that for me!

I knew that I needed a change. I knew that I needed to do something different and to think about things differently. I was looking for a transformation.

The most important part has been having space, pause and not being distracted by all that happens in my day to day life.

I’ve faced some fears and uncomfortableness, but I’ve leaned into it, and it feels exciting. The small micro-adjustments I've made have set me on a different path.

Fiona Keary Style Liberation

I couldn’t think as BIG as I’m now thinking!

Coming to Hawaii for REACH Retreat changed everything for me.

I knew I wanted to take my business to the next level, but I didn't know the steps to take to make that happen.

I couldn’t think as big as I’m now thinking if I stayed back in Australia. The destination and being around amazing people was such a big part of me being able to think bigger.

Saying " I want to come to Hawaii" has enabled me to think bigger and BE bigger in my goals and direction.”

Tasha Jennings,
Conceive Baby

I signed up for REACH as something “for me”!

I wanted to get clear on what I wanted and how the business and my vision fit together.

When I signed up for REACH Retreat, it was something for me. Because I wanted to get clear on what I wanted and how the business and my vision fit together.

I wanted to put myself first. And this is the first time in all of my life that I have gone… ‘I'm spending money on me and this is just for me.’ The business is such a big part of me, and being here helps me make sure that it's still serving me and what I want.”

Chantel Gilbert
Bluegum Electrical & Solar

Allowed me to be in “my space”

It’s been enriching. I’ve grown personally.

One week here in beautiful Hawaii has allowed me time and space to think.
You know, I don't have to think about family. I don't have to think about work. I don't have to think about the everyday things that I have to do (which is more than a hundred things all the time!).

REACH Retreat has just allowed me to be in my space and think about what it is that I REALLY want and what I need to do to work towards that vision. It's been enriching for me because not only have I learnt a lot, I've also grown personally.

Helena Ung

Innovate Mental Arithmetic Australia

It’s been SO worth it!

After 8 years, I’d lost the passion for my business.

I decided, “this is my dream, and if I don’t do it now, I might not ever!” And I really needed these five days to concentrate on me and my business... and it’s been SO worth it!

Since attending REACH, Laurelle has achieved her no. 1 lifestyle goal and moved to her dream location, relocating her business and stepping more into her ideal life.

Laurelle Halford DIY Tour Guide

 More clarity, time to think clearly, the right next steps, and connection to a vision that inspires and compels you. 

"Making the leap to create what we really want requires a mental leap first."

"I have a clearer vision of what I want and where my life is going to be in the future and what our business is going to look like."

"I'd fallen out of love with my business. I hadn't stopped for 10 years. I knew I couldn't afford not to do this."

"I wanted to take a pause and re-evaluate where we were going as an organisation. But mostly I wanted to stop for me."