HerBusiness LIVE Online

Get the Fastest Path to Clarity, Confidence & INSPIRED Action

Make Connections. Brainstorm Business Challenges and Find Solutions. Grow Your Business with Other Female Entrepreneurs.



I'm excited to have you here.

On this page you'll find:

We'll add any new announcements to this page throughout the day.

For now, have a look around and keep your login link on hand. (We sent your unique link via email.)

Check-in starts at 8.30 am AEST and we kick off at 9.00 am AEST on Tuesday, 6 June.

Here's to a great day.


Suzi Dafnis

Tips for Making the Most of Your Day

  • YOUR HOME PAGE FOR TODAY Bookmark a link to this page so that it’s easy to access when you need it. We'll be updating it throughout the day.
  • ZOOM — Don't miss out! You must have a minimum Zoom version of 5.11.4 (the current version is 5.14.8) on your desktop app or mobile device to use all the latest functionality. Help us make #HerBusinessLIVE2023 the best one yet! Follow these instructions to check that you have the latest version of Zoom installed on your computer.
  • CLEAR YOUR DAY — Clear your schedule of any other meetings. We have a full schedule and you won’t want to miss a thing. Turn off notifications and be fully present. Today you get to work ON your business.
  • PREPARE LUNCH — Prepare some lunch ahead of time so that you have something ready for when we break. We’ll have optional networking over lunch so you won’t want to waste time.
  • CREATE THE SPACE TO BE FOCUSED — Close any applications on your computer that may drag on your internet connection. Turn off any notifications/interruptions. You will have time to check your emails etc. during breaks. ShhhhWe've included a Door Hanger in your Event Pack for you to put on your office 'door' to let others know that you're busy networking and learning.
  • CHECK YOUR SOUND AND VISION — This is a ‘CAMERAS ON’ event. So, please ensure your camera is working. Check that you have a working headset and microphone. The theme is INSPIRED and today you'll be speaking with other members at different times of the day. Your default computer audio is fine but if you want to have the best setup to be seen and heard without disturbing anyone around you, we recommend a headset with a mic. You can get one from most electronics stores.
  • YOUR SUPPLIES — Download your workbook. Grab a pen. Grab a cup of something to keep you hydrated and refreshed. You'll also need a pair of scissors in the first session to open your Event Pack, if you have one. NO PEEKING AHEAD OF TIME ;-).
HerBusiness LIVE Online 2021 - Schedule

Your HerBusiness LIVE Schedule

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

8.30 am – Check-In

Use your unique link to check in from 8:30 am AEST.

9.00 am – Morning Session

Opening and Welcome Presentation
Keynote Presentations
Morning Break

12.45 pm – Lunch (and Networking)

1.15 pm – Afternoon Session

Keynote Presentations
Afternoon Break
Business Brainstorming and Networking Sessions
Door Prizes and Surprises

5.30 pm – Close

5.30 pm - 6.30 pm – Virtual Cocktails and Networking (Fun!)

All times are in AEST (Sydney time), are approximate and subject to change. Check your time zone.

Your HerBusiness LIVE Event Pack

If you've received an Event Pack, have it ready to open (scissors recommended).

Listen out for prompts throughout the day to open up the goodies in the pack. 😉

No pack? Order your pack here.
Value $127. Just $47.

Speak Up Event Pack

HerBusiness LIVE Zoom Backgrounds

We love seeing your offices/homes, but if you’d prefer, click and download one of our HerBusiness LIVE Zoom Virtual Background Images.

HerBusiness LIVE Zoom Background
HerBusiness LIVE Zoom Background
HerBusiness LIVE Zoom Background


HerBusiness Network - Logo

It’s true! You CAN have a profitable and scalable business without overwhelm
or exhaustion.

The HerBusiness Network

Running a business by yourself can be lonely. Add to that the pressure of always having to bring in new business, and it can feel overwhelming.

What if you could solve both challenges at once?

That’s the HerBusiness Network.

Inside the Network, you’ll immediately access our proven process for finding and developing high-quality business relationships. The good news is that these relationships are already waiting for you inside our community.

Plus, you’ll discover more effortless ways to make more sales (without spending a ton on ads), reach more people and get off the rollercoaster of good and bad months.

Imagine being able to stop being stuck on ‘low-level’ tasks and finally have a path for growing a sustainable and profitable business that gives you the impact and results you want.

If you have yet to realise your vision but know you have the potential, then the HerBusiness Network is for you!


($97 AUD per month, cancel any time)
I'd like to save $194 AUD and join with an Annual Membership

Last time at this special pricing.

Doors to the HerBusiness Network are only open to YOU and only until midnight AEST on Friday, 9 June 2023 at Midnight AEST.

HerBusiness LIVE - Your Keynote Speakers

Your Keynote Speakers

HerBusiness LIVE Keynote Speakers
HerBusiness LIVE - Your Keynote Speakers

The Keynote Sessions

Suzi Dafnis

How to Build Unshakable Confidence & Trust in Your Business Direction, Without Overthinking, Even If You’ve Struggled With Decision-Making in the Past.

In the relentless realm of business, where uncertainty lurks at every turn, it's crucial to cultivate unwavering confidence and trust in your chosen path. But here's the secret: overthinking won't get you there. Today, we're unlocking the power within you to build that unshakeable foundation. 

Suzi will share:

  • The key principles of unshakable confidence.
  • How to build a resilient mindset that will help you weather any challenge, stay focused on your goals, and make strategic decisions with greater ease and clarity.
  • The role inspiration plays in realising your big goals.
  • How inspiration fuels grit, confidence, and finding the right people.
  • The way to grow the confidence that inspires decisive action.

Suzi Dafnis is the CEO of HerBusiness, a collaborative online membership community of women who are growing and scaling a business.

Her BIG passion is helping women business owners create the impact, the income and the results they want through their business and do what they love every day. 

For over 28 years, HerBusiness has provided mentoring and training that has helped thousands of women grow sustainable businesses and move away from hobby businesses to profitable businesses.

Suzi is a keen believer in doing what we love every day and creating a life that is by design.

HerBusiness On Instagram 
HerBusiness On Facebook

Marisa Murgatroyd

The Dopamine Button: How to Inspire People to Change Their Lives

As the founder of Live Your Message and Creator of The Experience Formula, Marisa gets people so excited about changing their lives that they stop dreaming and start doing. Learn exactly how to motivate yourself, your team or your audience to finally take action on the things that matter most.

Marisa will Share:

  • How to generate inspiration-on-demand by pressing a little-known button in your brain (that everyone has!).
  • Why most conventional wisdom about how to inspire others doesn't work -- and what to do instead
  • How to motivate yourself, your team or your audience to finally take action on the things that matter most.
  • The formula she’s used to inspire over 12,000 students, attract over 150,000 audience members and build a life she loves.

Marisa Murgatroyd is the founder of Live Your Message, where she turns entrepreneurs into Online Superheroes. At 4’11 and a quarter, she’s called the shortest woman in marketing — and that doesn’t stop her from having huge ideas.

She’s the “go to” brand builder for online marketing industry luminaries and heavyweights such as Justin Livingston, Callan Rush, Danny Iny, Alexis Neely and Susan Peirce Thompson.

Marisa helps entrepreneurs create a business that is authentic and aligned with who they are, to empower them to turn up the dial on their “inner superhero”, so they can be the superhero to their tribe, as well as in their own lives.

Marisa On Instagram 
Marisa On Facebook

FREE Workshop with Marisa Murgatroyd

How to Use Your Knowledge, Skills or Passions to Create a High-Impact Online Course


Michelle Falzon

The “INSPIRED” Sales Page: How To Go From “Stuck & Stagnant” to a “Sales Stampede” -  5 EASY Tips To Transform Your Sales Page & Inspire MORE of Your PERFECT Customers To BUY From You!

In this Session, marketing expert, Michelle Falzon shares her experience, distilled from creating Sales Pages for her own products and services and for leading thought leaders over the past two decades, that have generated millions of dollars in sales across a range of industries. 

Michelle will share:

  • The crystal-clear FORMULA for creating a high-converting Sales Page (yep, this is totally a recipe ANYONE can follow).
  • Why your previous Sales Pages might not have worked like you wanted them to.
  • The FIRST thing you need to think about when creating your Sales Page (and it’s got nothing to do with copywriting!).
  • The big mistake that keeps most people creating uninspiring Sales Pages (AND uninspiring results) and the 3-minute exercise that will save you from EVER making that mistake again!
  • And much more.

A high-level content strategist, Michelle Falzon has created over 150 digital marketing funnels and high-performing sales pages. In this session, she shares her experience in creating sales pages for her products and services, as well as for leading thought leaders over the past two decades. Her work has generated millions of dollars in sales across various industries.


Skye Anderton

Living Positively, Passionately, Purposefully, and Create Meaningful Products

Skye Anderton is the founder of Ruby Olive Jewellery, known for creating purposeful products with stories and soul. In this presentation, she explores the intersection of creativity, purpose, and fulfilment.

Skye will Share:

  • Practical advice on cultivating a positive and passionate mindset and channelling that energy into creating “inspired” products and services.

Get 20% at the Ruby Olive Online Store

Use Code HERBUSINESS23 for your 20% Discount.


Skye’s colourful imagination, thirst for travel, and passion for designing beautiful things gave wings to her dream, and in 2010 Ruby Olive the brand was born! Skye’s been around the block a few times. She has over 23 years experience in the Fashion Accessory industry with eight of those years spent working in London as a designer, product developer and accessories buyer. As a result, Skye loves big red buses, has a soft spot for corgis and enjoys the odd glass of Pimms. Skye also is passionate about creating sustainably sourced products with heart and is a campaigner for International Women’s rights.

Ruby Olive On Instagram 
Ruby Olive On Facebook

Brooke McCallum

How We Turned Fundraising Socks into a Global Business: A Story of Persistence and Adapting to Change

Brooke will Share:

  • How she turned fundraising socks into a global business during the pandemic
  • How persistence helped her overcome the hurdles and setbacks that have crossed her path
  • The importance of being open to change and willing to adapt your business model
  • The role of customer feedback and market research in making changes that can impact your growth and expansion, and
  • How to shift your mindset from entrepreneur to CEO while maintaining an entrepreneurial spirit.

Brooke McCallum is an Australian entrepreneur and co-founder of Sockable, a successful manufacturing and fundraising company that expanded globally during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Brooke On Instagram 
Brooke On Facebook

HerBusiness LIVE - Workshops

Your HerBusiness LIVE Workshops

Louise Davis

Navigating Tough Talks: How to Handle Difficult Conversations

As a business owner challenging conversations are inevitable and essential.

Do you…

  • Tend to shy away from confrontation and struggle to address critical issues?
  • Ever find yourself tiptoeing around the ‘elephant in the room’?
  • Get nervous about how to start the tough conversation?
  • Get stressed about dealing with pushback from the conversation?
  • Stew on a topic because you don’t want to rock the boat?
  • Tackle the situation head on, but the conversation goes pear-shaped?

Imagine if you knew how to…

  • Overcome your fear and have the confidence and certainty to address issues sooner?
  • Manage your emotions, so that you feel calm and composed?
  • Have healthy conversations that forged stronger connections in your professional life?

In this workshop, Louise will share practical tips so you can confidently start conversations sooner, manage your emotions effectively and navigate tricky situations with grace, even if you are afraid of confrontation.

Louise Davis is a transformational facilitator and coach with a passion for unlocking human potential. With a background in leadership development, she has helped numerous organisations, including Westpac Group, Dairy Australia, Pacific National, CHANEL and Nike and The Esteé Lauder Group facilitate behaviour change and improve performance.

What sets Louise apart is her authentic and practical approach. She uses clear, caring conversations to cut through corporate jargon and tap into people's wisdom and brilliance. Her humorous and down-to-earth style creates a positive and productive learning environment.

Louise’s creativity and innovation drive her work, resulting in skills and tools that benefit all areas of people's lives. She is a certified trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Accelerated Learning, with accreditations in DiSC behavioural profiling and LSI 360 Feedback tool. 

When she's not facilitating or coaching, Louise enjoys spending time with her family, including her dog Pinot. She's also a dedicated CrossFit enthusiast with a goal of achieving an unassisted pull-up, making daily micro-improvements to get stronger and fitter with each session.

Email Louise Davis
Louise Davis On LinkedIn

Tina Hay

The Social Media Content Plan That Inspires Your Clients To Buy

Social media is vital for connecting with your audience and building brand awareness. But it's not enough to post random content. You need a strategy that aligns with your purpose and values. 

Get ready to unlock your social media potential and create a powerful online presence. 

In this workshop, Tina Hay of Puzzle Media arms you with the tools and strategies to create a personalised social media content plan that is easy to follow. Never wonder what to post again.

In this workshop, you’ll discover:

  • Why connecting with your “Why” should drive our content strategy
  • Social Media Content Pillars and why you need them
  • Easy way to generate content ideas
  • And lots more!

Tina Hay is a dynamic and highly experienced marketing expert with over 20 years of experience in the field. As the CEO and founder of Puzzle Media, a Gold Coast-based digital marketing agency, she has worked with thousands of clients worldwide, helping them grow their businesses through effective marketing strategies. 

Tina has a deep understanding of what it takes to connect brands with consumers and drive business growth through digital marketing. She has worked across traditional media and has immersed herself in the digital and social media marketing world since 2010, staying on top of the latest trends and best practices.

As a sought-after speaker and trainer, Tina’s commitment to excellence, deep industry knowledge, and ability to deliver results have made her a sought-after speaker and trainer in the marketing field. Her training programs and coaching cover various areas of marketing and business, providing valuable insights and actionable strategies that businesses can implement to achieve their goals.

Tina's commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing has helped her build a team of experts at Puzzle Media who are passionate about helping clients achieve their marketing goals. The agency has worked with a wide range of clients, including professional service firms, listed ASX companies, global organisations, and small to medium-sized enterprises.

Puzzle Media On Instagram 
Puzzle Media On Facebook

HerBusiness LIVE - Mentors and Experts


You’ll love hearing from three inspiring women business owners who have had major business breakthroughs and have grown their businesses and their impact in BIG ways - getting more clients (think 10Xing the number of clients), becoming more visible within their niches, growing their teams, launching new products and services, being more connected to their purpose and missions and stepping into their own power as leaders in their businesses and industries.

We’ll unpack how they’ve tapped into inspired action and moved into great momentum and how you can too.

Katy Abbott
Angela Counsel
Cat Matson

Learn more about our Panelists.

Katy Abbott, The Artists' Mentor

Angela Counsel, Menopause Coach

Kat Matson, Impactful Presenters

How to Get Clarity and Finally Have a Marketing Plan That Will GROW Your Business!

(Even if You’ve Struggled To Get Clients or to Take a More “Strategic Approach” in the Past)

Join Us at The Mastermind Experience! The 30-Day Program That Gives You a Taste of What it’s Like To Be in a Mastermind!

  • Direct Access to Your Marketing Mentors, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon
  • Get CLEAR on Your IRRESISTIBLE OFFER (and Start Attracting Your IDEAL Clients)!
  • Demystify Your Product Set (and Know EXACTLY What to Offer WHEN)!
  • Get the Time and Space for FOCUS and Create a Marketing Plan that WORKS!
  • Broaden Your Network and Find MORE Like-Minded Business Owners Who Can Be Your Supporters, Suppliers, Clients and Business Besties!
Mastermind Experience - Your Marketing Mentors

Places ARE Limited - So Apply Today!
(This Program Typically BOOKS OUT FAST)


A never-before-shared training from inside our Mastermind Vault featuring Michelle Falzon sharing how to build the “runway” to your Offer. That is what you do BEFORE your Offer to pave the way for the sale. You cannot get this training ANYWHERE else! And it’s ONLY available for Fast Action Takers who APPLY for The Mastermind Experience BEFORE Midnigth AEST TODAY. Go here to apply now.

The Mastermind Experience

Win Door Prizes

Share your HerBusiness LIVE highlights using #herbusinesslive2023 for your chance to win one of these great prizes

Door Prizes

Thanks to our amazing Door Prize Donors for your generosity and for helping make today even more special.

Alison Wheeler, Alison Wheeler

1:1 Business Coaching Session + Living from the Inside Out Book by Alison Wheeler, Valued at $597

In this 1:1 Individualised Coaching Session, Alison will help you identify the five key areas in your business that can be improved to immediately increase revenue and save your energy. Alison will analyze your current strategies, and provide actionable recommendations to help you take your business to new heights without burnout and stress.

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to receive personalised guidance and a copy of Alison's Amazon Best Selling Book.


Deb Bower, Olive & Ash

Skincare Gift Voucher, Valued at $100

Handmade Environmentally conscious, uncomplicated skincare. When a product contains the right ingredients it is suitable for all skin types and all of the family. Olive & Ash helps women rediscover what Luxurious skin feels like with our range of pure olive Soaps & Skincare. 

Use this gift card to explore the range of handmade Olive Oil Soaps & Skincare, and select exactly what is right for you!


Erica Webb, SelfKind Hub

6-Month Membership to SelfKind Hub, Valued at $594

The SelfKind Hub takes a body-mind approach to well-being, supporting you to experience more physical and mental peace through movement, self-kindness, and community. Erica is a registered counsellor and experienced mindful movement coach.

Included in this 6 month membership to the SelfKind Hub:

  • A library of mindful movement classes to support you to move well, often
  • A curated Class of the Day library to make it easy to get started
  • In-depth monthly Masterclasses
  • Additional resources to help you in navigating the barriers to self-care and self-love
  • Guided audio recordings and printable sessions
  • Regular livestream classes.


Melissa Horvat, Graphika

A 6-month Membership Subscription to Your Brand Passport™, Valued at $300

Your Brand Passport™  – it’s a simple subscription for business owners to learn how to confidently create graphics for their brands, reduce the overwhelm and save time. You will learn the fundamentals of design, colour, font pairings, layout, and selecting photography for your brand. 

You can use these principles when designing in Canva, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator or any design platform.


Shilpa Mehta, Plain Jaya Jewellery

Rose Gold Plated Butterfly Wing Charm Necklace and Bracelet Set, Valued at $150

From their Charmed Collection, elevate your jewellery collection with this stunning Stainless Steel Butterfly Wing Charm Necklace and Butterfly Charm Bracelet, the perfect combination of elegance and charm. 

This necklace features a beautifully crafted 27mm butterfly wing charm with 18ct rose gold plating that adds a touch of sophistication to any outfit. The stainless steel bead bracelet boasts a sleek and sophisticated design that's perfect for all occasions. The adjustable 18cm length with a 3cm extension ensures a comfortable fit for all wrist sizes, making it the perfect addition to any jewellery collection.


Danielle Johansen, Threadicated

Personal Styling Gift Voucher, Valued at $250

Discover the joy of having a personal fashion stylist curate and deliver outfits that perfectly match your unique style, shape, and budget.

Use your voucher to take the online style quiz, and find the right clothes to suit your body shape. After you've completed the quiz, your stylist will get in touch with you to learn more about your individual style and body shape.

Your stylist will find you a variety of clothing choices based on your results and within your gift voucher amount of $250!

Threadicated cover 100s of brands and women's sizing across petite, plus size, maternity, and unisex styles.
Threadicated is the ultimate style solution!


Leanne Haining, Urban Rituelle

Urban Rituelle Hamper, Valued at $137

Inspire your senses & adorn your home with a scented ambience with this deluxe hamper. A gorgeous gift of optimism & the perfect way to show you care.

The Hamper includes a Scented Soy Candle, Fragrance Diffuser and Hand Cream.

Note: There are TWO of this prize available to win!


Linda Johannesson, The Growth Garden

A Mini Custom Growth Audit, Valued at $950

Set yourself up for success! Determine what’s working/what’s not. Swap your current underperforming ways for even more opportunities to thrive! 

This custom Mini Growth Audit Package includes a digital footprint scan, a custom questionnaire, a 1:1 virtual discussion of your responses, and finally a personalised Growth Highlight Report with recommendations.

You'll gain:

  • Fresh perspectives on your current state 
  • Improved focus + clearer priorities
  • New ideas + strategies for faster/more efficient growth
  • A greater sense of control over your growth
  • Feedback on current + past marketing activities


Sarah Fisher, Denu

Hand Care Collection, Valued at $124.95

Find joy in the simple pleasures of your everyday.

This hand care collection includes an elegant dish, handmade specially for denu by Melbourne ceramist State of Permanence. Plus their gorgeous new vase, is for your favourite fresh cuttings and also ideal for our Room Fragrance and Reeds.

The Hand Wash is gentle on frequently washed hands and our Hand Cream leaves skin soft and smooth. Fragranced with our pure essential oil blend featuring Australia Native Lemon Myrtle, Lime, and Lemongrass for a light scent that helps uplift your spirits.


Skye Anderton, Ruby Olive Jewellery

Ruby Olive Gift Set, Valued at $130

This lovely gift set includes: 

Andrea Smith "In The Garden" 1000 piece puzzle - Every puzzle uses artwork designed by Australian Female Creatives and is made with premium recycled paper. 

Andrea Smith "In The Garden" Shopper Bag -  The Garden Shopper is SUPER durable and will hold up to 25kg. They have an enormous (and seemingly endless) amount of room inside.

Maiocchi Heart Fan - Each fan comes lovingly packaged in a reusable drawstring bag in this gorgeous heart print by the talented Brisbane fashion label Maiocchi. 

Maiocchi Heart Earrings and a Maiocchi Heart Pin


Play HerBusiness LIVE Bingo for Your Chance to Win our Major Prize valued at $1,000

Bingo Prize: CeeCee Righetti Painting

This acrylic canvas painting by member CeeCee Righetti is 92cm x 92cm acrylic on canvas painting is inspired by the beach and will be painted in the winner's choice of hue combination, either blues or greens. The artwork comes signed, stretched, and ready to hang. The sides of this beautiful painting are finished, so no framing is required.

Thanks to CeeCee Righetti, Pete+Chrissy Angelheart

Download Your Bingo Card for Your Chance to Win

HerBusiness LIVE - FAQs

HerBusiness LIVE
Frequently Asked Questions

How to do I get access to the HerBusiness LIVE event?
You have been sent an email with your join link and your password. This link gets you into the MAIN room. One of our team will manually allow you access into the room on the morning of HerBusiness LIVE. Please log in early to get on-time access to the event. This event is ONLY for registered attendees.

Registration is open from 8.30 am AEST on Tuesday, 6 June.

I will be watching from the same room as another registered attendee. Do we both need to log in?
Yes. in order to be recognised as having attended you each need to register between 8.30 am and 9.00 am AEST. You will also want your own login for the breakout sessions, workshops and for other activities. (You can, of course, mute all other devices and watch the main sessions on one screen.)

What happens if I have to leave and come back or if I become disconnected.
If you are disconnected or need to leave the session and come back, use your original link to gain access. You will have to be re-admitted by one of our team.

What time does the event finish?
The presentations end at 5.30 pm AEST. And then it's PARTY TIME! Join us for Virtual Cocktails and Networking from 5.30 pm till 6.30 pm AEST.

Will I get to network even though the event is online?
You betcha. Networking and connecting is in our DNA at HerBusiness and we've created numerous opportunities for you to connect with others in the event (even if you're the shy or introverted type who typically doesn't like networking). As well as networking you'll be getting valuable brainstorming and peer-to-peer support in our Brainstorming Sessions. These are AWESOME!

What's the agenda?
The day includes keynote presentations, small-business workshops, networking as well an inspiring panel and Business Brainstorming Sessions. We give you a morning and afternoon break as well as a lunch break (though we know it's going to be hard to leave your newfound community even for a short while). Plus, we end the day with networking and Virtual Cocktails. It's going to be a FUN day.

What time are the breaks?
More details about timing will be provided on the day.

Is there a workbook?
There is a comprehensive workbook.
Download your workbook here.

When do I get to open my "INSPIRED" EVENT PACK?
Patience ;-). You'll be given prompts throughout the day about when to open different items in the Event Pack. We have chosen some fun items for specific sessions. All will be revealed soon. Have a pair of scissors on hand. You'll need the scissors for the first activity.

What if I have a Customer Service question on the day?
The HerBusiness team can be reached from 8.00m AEST on Tuesday, 6 June via the LIVE Chat on this page and on the phone at 1300 720 120 or +612 8332 5400. Please do not post customer service questions on social media as we can't guarantee that those questions will be seen or attended to in a timely way.

I am not a member. How does the HerBusiness Network Membership work?
HerBusiness Network membership includes 12 months of business support, training and all the HerBusiness Member benefits that will give you the accountability, the community, and the support to finally create a profitable business that gives you the impact, the income and the results that you want.

The doors to membership will open temporarily on Tuesday, 6 June and close on Friday, 9 June at midnight. This is a GREAT opportunity to join the network and finally get the support you need to create the business, the income and the impact that you want.

Once we welcome you into the community you get access to all your member benefits and bonuses (over $19,000 in training and support and bonuses) all for under $20 a week. It's so valuable if you want to grow a six and seven-figure business.

Get started. Join the HerBusiness Network today. (Special HerBusiness LIVE offer and bonuses end soon.)

What if I need to cancel my attendance to HerBusiness LIVE?
We hope you can make it along. No refunds will be given for any cancellations or for non-attendance. If you have paid a Holding Deposit it will be refunded to you only if you attend. If you are unable to attend, you forfeit the Holding Deposit.

All changes to registrations must be received in writing to info@herbusiness.com

Got more questions? Email us here or use the live chat on this page. Or, call us on 1300 720 120 or +612 8332 5402.