Your How to Create Great Webinars Bonuses

Webinars That Sell Audio Training

Webinars are a great way to educate and to share information about your products and services and they are ALSO a great way to SELL.

However, we see a lot of people hosting webinars where they give a lot of great information but they don’t know how to transition to making an offer… or when they do, they haven’t put enough of the foundation pieces in place to make that offer convert.

In this audio training, Suzi Dafnis and Michelle Falzon share the webinar structure that they’ve used to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales from webinars. This is the very same structure you can adapt for use in YOUR business.

Step 2

BONUS Winning Webinars Structure Template

The Winning Webinar Structure Template, which summarises the process for you into an easy to use template.

When you use this structure, you can make offers on your webinar without ever feeling salesy.

Successful Webinars from our HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind!

Amanda Farmer - Strata Properties

Amanda Farmer uses her webinar to grow Membership sales (she’s more than doubled her membership since being part of the Mastermind).

  • Purpose: Membership sales.
  • Selling: Monthly membership is $39, annual is $429
  • Average show up rate: 55%
  • Average conversion rate: 15% of everyone who sees her webinar BUYS!!
  • Marketing: Email, Social, FB Ads PLUS powerful STRATEGIC ALLIANCE with local councils.

“I’m getting 15% conversion on my webinars AND finding clients I would NEVER have had”

When Amanda Farmer, a lawyer with her own practice, specialising in Strata Law wanted to find a way to move out of the “trading time for money” hamster wheel, she started her own online membership for Strata Managers and Owners.

Things started small but she could see the potential, if she could find a few high performing marketing strategies to help her keep getting new members.

That’s when she joined the HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind.

Since that time she’s more than DOUBLED her membership and is on track to TRIPLING her numbers this year.

And two big strategies she learned in the Mastermind are helping her get there - having a webinar that CONVERTS coupled with a STRATEGIC ALLIANCE strategy that is FILLING her webinars for her.

As part of her Mastermind “perks” Amanda gets dedicated 1:1 strategy sessions, daily support in the Facebook Group and monthly Q&A calls - and this is where she learned how to develop her strategy to attract councils and make a compelling offer on her webinar.

To find out more about the HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind...

Go Here See What It’s All About and Apply Now

(applications are open for a limited time)

Fiona Keary - Style Liberation

Fiona Keary used her webinar to get people into her brand new Membership program - getting 99 members with her very first promotion! (She’s also used webinars to fill events and her Style Transformation Online Program!!).

  • Purpose: Style Transformation Program Sales
  • Selling: Online Course $497
  • Average show up rate: 25%
  • Average conversion rate: 5% of everyone who sees her webinar BUYS!!
  • Marketing: Email, FB Ads PLUS powerful STEP 2 strategy learned at Mastermind.

“Doubled My Revenue in First Year in Mastermind…”

When Fiona Keary, a fashion stylist started her business she found people loved what she delivered. But she had no system or method for her marketing. Always struggling to fill events. Since joining Mastermind, she now has a marketing plan in place with consistent revenue month in month out!

Not only did she double her revenue in her first year of Mastermind, she has also developed new recurring revenue products and launched several different successful marketing strategies including webinars and launches.

As part of her Mastermind “perks” Fiona gets to attend a quarterly in person 2-day meeting and at our last meeting we focused deeply on webinar strategies that Fiona described as GOLD.

She is now spending the next 90 days focused on upgrading her webinar based on what she learned to get even better conversions from webinar to her online course.

To find out more about the HerBusiness Marketing Success Mastermind...

(applications are open for a limited time)